How do I participate in Ron Kim Day

1.       Be kind and generous.

2.       Then write a sentence or two that describes what you did and if you can, take a photo to document the action.  Send it to us by using the Submit button. 

If taking a photo isn’t appropriate then just sending a few sentences is enough.  

You can include your name or be anonymous.

We'd love to know where the kindness is taking place so please include your town, state or country.

3.       No step 3, just 2 easy steps!

We will collect the stories and present them on this website to show how strong and easily the power of love and kindness can extend.


"Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change."

B. Kerrey

Need some ideas to get started? 

Help a neighbor, pay for a stranger’s meal, bring a friend some food, make a charitable donation, carry someone’s groceries, rake someone’s leaves, open doors, give up your seat on the metro, send thank you notes to someone who was kind to you, bring some road workers some cold lemonade, buy a gift card at the grocery store and give it to someone still waiting in line….you decide.

Be observant that day or week and see what opportunities bubble up to let you be kind and generous.

Any action big or small counts.