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Ron Kim was a husband, father, brother, son, uncle and friend. His life was cut way too short by pancreatic cancer.  

To do something for others, to give away things that were his own, to treat a friend, or to help a stranger were not actions that Ron had to consciously choose to do; it was what came naturally to him. Ron didn’t need to be rewarded or recognized. He was the kind of guy who preferred to give gifts rather than receive them.  He loved to think about and act on ways to make other people happy. 

So as a means to continue his legacy of kindness and generosity and as a way to celebrate his life, you are invited to participate in the seventh Annual Ron Kim DayOn August 22nd, on Ron’s birthday, we invite you to do an act of kindness or generosity for a friend, a family member or a stranger.

(Acts of kindness done on other days count just as much--please send those in, too!)

Ron believed in the power of kindness and generosity. We do, too.  
How much kindness can we spread in one day for Ron? 

Back story: Ron Kim Day was inspired by a tribute, to a young woman named Katie Fisher, who died in an accident. Her family created a day, Katie Fisher Day in her honor where people send or give cookies to someone they love—something that Katie did for her brother, every week, for the four years he was in college. Now, cookies are being sent all over the world in her honor.

We started thinking about how to honor Ron in a similar way. On our wedding anniversary I anonymously paid for purchases at a Dunkin Donuts drive through window.  I stood inside, out of site, and gave the cashier money to pay for the people in their cars.  It was fun and deeply gratifying and Ron would have loved it. I hope the people I treated felt just a little bit lighter and spread that feeling as they went about their day.